
Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Florida Car Accident Rules to Change, Barring Governor Veto

The way drivers pursue civil damages in Florida car accident cases will fundamentally change starting Jan. 1, 2022, barring a veto from Governor Ron DeSantis.  If approved, Florida’s 50-year-old no-fault driver’s insurance law will be no more as of next year, following the majority of state lawmakers’ vote for repeal…


Florida Slip-and-Fall On-the-Job: Beyond Workers’ Compensation

Whether you are a construction worker, nurse, or teacher, if you are injured on-the-job in a Florida slip-and-fall, workers’ compensation may be your sole source of financial recovery. Workers’ compensation is considered the exclusive remedy for most work-related injuries in Florida, meaning it is the only recourse one has against…


Car Accident Lawyers Weigh Proposed Changes to Florida’s No-Fault Law

Fort Myers car accident lawyers are carefully watching Florida legislature developments pertaining to proposed changes to auto insurance claims laws that could impact how we approach crash cases. The one that would result in the most change is SB 54, which would repeal provisions of Florida’s No-Fault Law to a…


Holding Bad Drivers Accountable in Florida Pedestrian Accidents

Walking in Florida can be hazardous for your health. According to Smart Growth America’s 2021 Dangerous by Design report, the Sunshine State is the deadliest in the nation for pedestrians. Of the 15 most dangerous cities for pedestrians in the U.S., 9 are in Florida. The Cape Coral-Fort Myers metro…


How Do I Know If I Have a Florida Bad Faith Insurance Claim?

Drivers and vehicle owners dutifully pay their auto insurance premiums monthly or quarterly with the understanding they will receive a fair claims payout if the need arises. Unfortunately, far too many customers learn the hard way that insurers are primarily concerned with their own bottom line. But as our South…


Florida Motorcycle Passenger Injuries: What Are My Rights?

Motorcycle accidents in Florida are unfortunately all-too-common. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports that there were more than 9,100 motorcycle crashes reported statewide in a single recent year. NHTSA reports that per vehicle miles traveled, those on motorcycles are 28 times more likely to be injured…


Overcoming Challenges in Florida Large Truck Accident Cases

In the last decade, the number of deadly Florida large truck accident cases increased nearly 75 percent, with almost 300 reported in the most recent year, according to The Federal Motor Carrier Administration. On average, more than 3,000 people lose their lives in U.S. truck accidents annually. Federal data released…


Speeding Driver Liability in South Florida Car Accident Lawsuits

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently tweeted that speeding-related car accident deaths are up all over the country – in some areas, as much as 15 percent. As the agency pointed out, the higher the speed, the worse the crash-related injuries. What is also relevant for those weighing South…


Pandemic Pet-Buying Boom May Lead to More Florida Dog Bite Injuries

The pandemic compelled many Floridians to stay closer to home in the last year, prompting many to turn to four-legged companions for comfort. In 2020, there was an unprecedented number of people in Southwest Florida who fostered or adopted a pet, according to The News-Press. Undoubtedly, pets are a salve…


Can I Sue the Rental Company for Florida Car Accident Injuries?

When it comes to liability for Florida car accident injuries, well-established case law and the dangerous instrumentality doctrine allow vehicle owners to be held liable for injuries caused by the negligence of authorized drivers – even if the owner was not driving or otherwise negligent. However, there are exceptions for…

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