
Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


What are Tort Claims? Key West Injury Lawyer FAQ

If you have ever done a cursory search on filing a personal injury claim in Florida, there is a good chance somewhere along the way you ran across the phrase “tort claims.” But what is a tort? As a Key West injury lawyer can explain, “tort” is a legal term…


Do I Have to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet? Florida Cycle Injury Lawyer Insight

Motorcycles are prevalent in the Sunshine State. More than 550,000 motorcycles are registered here, and biker tourism is a big draw. As a longtime South Florida injury lawyer, I am familiar with Florida’s motorcycle helmet law and have successfully handled my fair share of motorcycle accident claims in Fort Myers,…


Florida Personal Injury Lawyer on Avoiding Common Holiday Injuries

It is the most wonderful time of the year – unless preparing for or partaking in it lands you in a hospital emergency room. From ladder falls to parking lot pedestrian accidents, an experienced Florida personal injury lawyer knows all-too-well how life-altering these occurrences can be. The U.S. Consumer Product…


Unnecessary Treatments: Another form of Florida Nursing Home Abuse

Billing state and federal government agencies for an unnecessary treatment of nursing home patients not only cheats taxpayers, but it can also lead to Florida nursing home abuse. This type of healthcare fraud involves improper, inflated, or otherwise unlawful billing of government and private insurers that fund nursing home residents’…


Alcohol: The Leading Factor in Fatal Florida Boating Accidents

According to the U.S. Coast Guard’s latest 2019 Recreational Boating Statistics Report, alcohol is the primary contributing factor in fatal U.S. and Florida boating accidents. Even as deaths declined overall, alcohol continued to be a top factor in deadly boating incidents. Of the 614 boat accident deaths reported in the…


What if there isn’t enough insurance coverage to pay my claim?

When considering whether to file a Florida personal injury lawsuit, it is important to ask: Who is going to pay? Insurance companies often cover most injury claims. Typically, these policies cover auto accidents or injuries on someone else’s property (premises liability claims such as slip-and-falls, third-party criminal attacks, dog bites,…


Florida Car Accident Lawsuit May Be Impacted by Not Wearing a Seat Belt

Florida seatbelt laws require all motor vehicle drivers and passengers to wear a seat belt to lower the risk of serious injury and death caused by car accidents. Failure to do so could result in a ticket, but worse, it could be the difference between minor and life-altering injuries. For…


Florida PIP: Is It Still Possible to Collect From the At-Fault Driver?

When answering calls from Fort Myers car accident victims, our attorneys have found that Florida PIP is one of the most misunderstood concepts. “Why am I fighting with my own insurer?” “Can I still sue the person who hit me?” “What is the ‘no-fault’ system anyway? Someone is at-fault, right?”…


Key West Injury Lawyer Explains Negligence Per Se

In most Florida injury lawsuits, the injured person (plaintiff) needs to show the person or entity they are suing (defendant) violated a duty of care that was owed, resulting in the injuries and financial damages at issue. In some cases, however, the plaintiff can establish the duty of care and…


6 Factors Impacting Your Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline

Aside from how much money a case is worth, Fort Myers personal injury lawsuit plaintiffs often want to know how long their case will take to resolve. Most are not thrilled to hear the ever-popular lawyer answer: It depends. But the truth is that determining how long a case will…

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