First, the good news: The Cape-Coral-Fort Myers metro area is no longer ranked No. 1 as the most dangerous place to walk along the roadside. But cause for celebration is tempered, as our Cape Coral pedestrian accident attorneys can explain because this area still ranks No. 8 out of 20.…
Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
The Heavy Price of Florida Truck Accidents
A spate of serious and fatal Florida truck accidents has drawn attention to the fact that such collisions are on the rise – here and across the country, prompting safety officials and trucking carriers to weigh possible solutions. State and federal crash data show that large semi-trucks are a substantial…
Amazon Delivery Accidents – Florida Injury Lawyers Fight for Accountability
In its dogged push for e-commerce dominance, tech firm, Inc. has spent years building a massive logistics empire, all on the promise of getting your stuff to your door in as little time as possible. It’s fast, reliable – and all-too-often deadly. Amazon delivery accidents are increasingly common not…
Cape Coral Car Accident Lawyers: Tort Reform Doesn’t Slash Insurance Costs
Tort reform advocates are once again beating the same old drum, insisting that if Florida would only lower its litigation costs, auto insurers could lower their rates for the rest of us. Cape Coral car accident lawyers know the main problem with this line of reasoning is it doesn’t hold…
Florida Bicycle Accident Risk Doesn’t Spare Children
It was the young family’s ritual every weeknight evening to go for a bicycle ride after dinner, strapping their baby girl in an approved safety seat before riding through their Central Florida neighborhood sidewalks. It helped lull the 18-month-old to sleep and gave mom and dad the chance to connect…
Miami Herald: Florida Ranks Top 10 in Country For Railroad Accidents
“Every week it seems there’s a report of an accident between pedestrians and trains,” noted the Miami Herald in a recent story. Fort Myers personal injury lawyers know that “trains” aren’t typically the first thing that comes to mind when we talk “crashes.” However, a recent four-year review of data from…
Sudden Return to Daubert Standard for Evidence by Florida Supreme Court
The standard for expert evidence admissibility in Florida court cases – civil and criminal – has once again taken a sudden turn, eschewing longtime adherence to the “general acceptance” Frye standard for vetting scientific evidence in favor of the more stringent Daubert standard. In plain English: It just got harder…
Drowning Lawsuits in Southwest Florida
More than 3 classrooms of children drown every year in Florida. It’s a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by the water around us, particularly when it comes to small children. Whether visiting the ocean, a local water park or a backyard swimming pool, South Florida is one of the…
Florida Lawmakers Target Distracted Drivers
Florida motorists can soon be stopped and ticketed for using their cell phones while driving. At least when it comes to text messaging. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a measure this month that will make texting while driving a primary offense, meaning a police officer can stop and ticket a distracted…
Summer Motorcycle Safety Awareness in SWFL
Florida is the most popular state in the nation for motorcycle riders. It is also the most dangerous. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Our motorcycle injury attorneys in Fort Myers encourage motorists to take seriously safety messages like “Look Twice, Save a Life.” Do not assume motorcycle safety is…