
Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Florida Yellow Light Car Accidents: Who’s At Fault?

We all know red-lighting running is unequivocally illegal – not to mention incredibly dangerous. But what about Florida yellow light car accidents? Determining fault in a yellow light crash can be more complicated than identifying negligence in a red light crash. That’s because with yellow lights, the law allows room…


What Florida Motorcyclists Need to Know About the State’s New Negligence Law

I’m going to say something right off the bat that I know won’t win me brownie points with Florida motorcyclists: You should all start wearing motorcycle helmets. Before you scroll away, hear me out. This is not me getting preachy about the risks. You already know them. And it’s not…


Employer Liability for Fort Myers Car Accidents Involving Working Drivers

There are a number of situations where employers in Florida can be held legally responsible for the damage caused by negligent employees – even if the employer didn’t directly cause the damage. This is what is referred to in civil injury law under the concepts of  “vicarious liability” and “respondeat…


How a Florida Hospital Lien May Impact Your Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawsuit

Medical bills are one of the central claims filed in virtually any Fort Myers personal injury lawsuit. But if you don’t have health insurance (or enough health insurance) while your personal injury claim is pending, you could well find yourself with something called a hospital lien. As our Southwest Florida…


Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyer Insight for Tourists in Florida Car Accidents

The plan was a sun-soaked, fun-filled getaway in sublime Southwest Florida. What happened was a Florida car accident. As longtime Fort Myers personal injury lawyers, we recognize there are unique concerns when visitors and vacationers from out-of-town are involved in a Florida crash. There are logistical challenges, often higher expenses,…


Experienced Naples Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Properly Address Preexisting Conditions in Crash Cases

Yes, a past injury or illness can absolutely impact a Florida personal injury claim. As our Naples car accident lawyer can explain, a preexisting condition complicates the claims process because the burden is on the plaintiff to prove the injury at issue was either caused or aggravated by the negligent…


“Should I Sign a Florida Personal Injury Settlement Release Form?”

It’s completely understandable – smart, actually – to be wary of signing any sort of a Florida personal injury settlement release form following a car accident. As our Cape Coral personal injury lawyers can explain, signing that release is typically required if you want to be paid the settlement amount.…


Florida Injury Lawsuits: Tougher to File, Win & Payout with Passing of the New Insurance Bill

Once again, tort reform has made it tougher for victims of Florida car accidents to sue and collect fair damages for their losses. In order to get this passed the legislature has inaccurately pointed the finger at the allegation of frivolous Florida injury lawsuits and sky-high compensation payouts as the…


How Does Insurance Cover Cape Coral Bicycle Accident Injuries?

Securing an insurance payout while recovering from Florida bicycle accident injuries isn’t always a simple matter. Whether it’s possible at all depends a lot on the underlying facts. But in many cases, you might have several insurance claim options. Our longtime local injury lawyers can help answer your questions about…


A Dangerous Walk: Record High Risk of Fatal Florida Pedestrian Accidents

A sidewalk stroll in the South Florida sunshine should be a safe way to spend an afternoon. Unfortunately, walking alongside, in, around, and across Florida roadways is quite dangerous – and it’s only gotten worse in recent years. According to a new report by the Governors’ Highway Safety Association, the…

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