
Palm Beach Appeals Court Affirms $6.4 Million Verdict in Med Mal Case

Back in June of 2007 attorney Jeff Garvin of Fort Myers and Wilton Strickland of Fort Lauderdale successfully argued that medical malpractice was committed when a Broward County otolaryngologist (ENT) failed to diagnose tongue cancer.

A Broward County Jury awarded the Garvin Injury Law client $6.4 Million Dollars after hearing two weeks of testimony. Garvin argued that the Pembroke Pines Doctor was negligent when he failed to notice several recognizable symptoms of tongue cancer. This argument was strengthened when evidence was presented that the client sought a second opinion and this doctor noticed cancer almost immediately. Unfortunately for the client, the cancer had already spread and required extensive surgery to remove the growth.

After this surgery, which required the removal of most of his tongue, the client was left with a difficulty speaking, can’t swallow, and is forced to eat blended food through a tube in his stomach.

After the jury awarded a $6.4 million dollar verdict (which was reduced to $5 million by the Judge), the defense lawyers appealed the case to the 4Th District Court in Palm Beach County. In reviewing the case, the appellate court determined that the money was properly awarded and allowed the verdict to stand.

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