
Articles Posted in Florida no fault


Florida Drivers Still Most Vulnerable in U.S.

Unlike 48 of the other 50 states, Florida does not require its drivers to carry insurance that will pay for bodily injury caused by a negligent or reckless driver. According to a recent study done by the Insurance Information Institute, Florida is second only to California in the number of…


Changes to Florida PIP Insurance and Your Rights after a Traffic Accident

After years of effort (and plenty of money spread around Tallahassee by powerful lobbyists) the insurance industry has finally succeeded in limiting a motorist’s right to collect under Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. As advocating for the rights Floridians injured in auto accidents is a large portion of or our practice, we have…


$10,000 for Anyone Involved in a Car Accident ?

Sound too good to be true? Well it probably is…We’ve all heard the catchy jingles on our favorite radio stations announcing that after a car accident, we may be entitled to $10,000 in lost wages and benefits. DJ’s and “attorney spokesmen” encourage us to call one of these hot-lines from…

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