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Brazen motorcyclists and drivers now will be clobbered with a fine in the four figures — $1,000 and up — if they get busted for excessive speeding on Florida roads.

And for the bikers, there are additional new rules, including a ban on “popping wheelies,” or lifting the front wheel off the pavement.

Under a Florida law that took effect this month, drivers face a $1,000 fine for going 50 mph over the speed limit.

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NAPLES — The Florida Highway Patrol announced today that it is stepping up its enforcement operations and teaming up with other law enforcement agencies across the state to prepare for the Labor Day holiday weekend.

The FHP will increase visibility and enforcement efforts beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Aug. 29 through midnight Sept. 1, according to a press release. The agency will target three specific causes of highway fatalities: speeding, impaired driving and failure to use occupant restraints.
Auxiliary and reserve troopers will be volunteering their time to assist regular troopers during the heightened holiday enforcement weekend. Full Story:

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Four teens have been charged with planning to rob a McDonald’s restaurant, including an employee who police say was text-messaging instructions on how to open the cash registers.The late Sunday night plot at 950 West Commercial Boulevard was foiled by a police officer who saw a suspicious vehicle in a nearby parking lot, police spokeswoman Detective Katherine Collins said.The officer approached the car and found three males with robbery tools and a cell phone that one of them tried to throw into the bushes, Collins said.On the phone was a text message sent from a McDonald’s employee describing how to open the registers and where the money was kept, police said.

The employee, a 17-year-old from Lauderdale Lakes, was charged with attempted armed robbery. Full Story:,0,835191.story?track=rss

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The state attorney’s office is also looking at about six days of furloughs for its employees if they’re not granted an exemption from budget cuts.”I am concerned about a morale issue, because I look at our folks and I can’t even hold out any hope,” State Attorney Willie Meggs said.Meggs said his employees haven’t had a raise since 2006. He also said their caseloads are increasing, because attorneys are leaving and not being replaced.

Public Defender Nancy Daniels says attorneys in her office might have to turn down cases if they can’t get any relief from budget cuts.”It’s unethical for a defense lawyer to represent so any people that they can’t do an adequate job for clients,” she said.The Office of the Public Defender currently has 60 attorneys, not including the six positions that have been eliminated since last summer. Full Story:

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On August 1st, Jeffrey R. Garvin of Fort Myers, Florida, was appointed president-elect of FLABOTA. FLABOTA is the Florida chapter of ABOTA; American Board Of Trial Advocates, which is an organization of civil Judges and Attorneys from both sides, who are working to preserve the civil jury system in America. Click here for more info on ABOTA. “The general purpose of ABOTA is to foster improvement in the ethical and technical standards of practice in the field of advocacy to the end that individual litigants may receive more effective representation and the general public be benefited by more efficient administration of justice consistent with time-tested and traditional principles of litigation.”

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Contemplating divorce? As of Tuesday it cost you an extra $45. Forget to buckle your seat belt? Prepare to fork over an additional $14.50. Want to evict that tenant delinquent in the rent? It’s an extra $190.In an effort to ease budget shortfalls, the Florida Legislature voted to raise more than 140 court fees effective July 1. It’s the first time court filing fees have seen an increase since 2004, when filing fees became uniform in all of Florida’s 67 counties.

Palm Beach County Clerk of Court Sharon Bock wants the public to know that this move is from the state.”A lot of people think the courts or the clerk has some kind of ability to set these fees,” she said. “We are simply the collection agency.”

Increases range from an additional 50 cents to certify a public record to doubled fines for offenses such as driving under the influence. While the cost of a marriage license remains $93.50, filing for divorce jumped to $409 from $364. Click the following link for the whole story:,0,3128762.story

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Any Florida resident who is currently suffering (or died from) a smoking related illness must register for their share of the $600 Million dollar trust fund by June 16th, 2008. In order to qualify you must have been a regular smoker prior to November 21st, 1996 and of course a Florida resident.

Please contact my office at (888) 524-2426 if you have any questions or would like us to handle your claim.

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