Articles Tagged with Florida motorcycle injury attorney

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Fort Myers motorcycle accidentNo two crash claims are going to be exactly the same. And Florida motorcycle accident claims especially tend to be a bit more complicated than your “typical” crash case (to the extent such a thing exists). There are a few reasons for this, as our Fort Myers motorcycle accident lawyers will explain further down.

Last year, in 2022, the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles reported there were a total of 9,009 motorcycle crashes in the State of Florida. (Those are preliminary figures, which means they could ultimately increase.) Those collisions were associated with 7,765 injuries and 574 deaths. This means that of the more than 3,100 fatal total crash deaths recorded in Florida over the previous 12 months, 27 percent were motorcyclists. Of the total number of people injured in Florida traffic accidents, 5 percent were motorcyclists. This is despite the fact that motorcycles make up just 3 percent of the state’s total registered vehicles and account for just 1 percent of total vehicle miles traveled.

Florida has the unfortunate (though deserved) reputation of having one of the country’s highest motorcycle accident rates. Being one of the most populous states, of course there are going to be more crashes overall. However, even when controlling for population, the motorcycle injury and death rate is high. Part of this has to do with Florida being a destination for riders from across the country. We also have year-round sunny weather that’s ideal for riding, so residents and tourists alike tend to ride more. High speed limits and widespread driver distraction don’t help.

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